Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Return of the Borlotti bean

I am pleased to report that the Borlotti beans which the children planted at the allotment are doing really well.
It was a bit of a high risk strategy, since they were beans which I saved from 2013. I sowed some of them last year, but they were all eaten by some mysterious critter. I handed over all of the remaining beans to Year 5 during their class visit, and kept my fingers crossed.
So far they are doing really well. So who knows - maybe we'll have another crop this year? Keep those fingers crossed.

Year 5 Allotment Assembly

Better late than never, here is a photo of my lovely gifts from Years 5 and 6 to thank me for their visit to the allotment.
The week after the visit was the occasion of the Year 5 class assembly, which they developed around the theme of allotments and growing food.
Hayley and I were greeted at the door and ushered to named VIP seats. At the end of the very impressive assembly, we were presented with copies of a selection of poems and memoirs that the children had written, a thank you card and a beautiful bunch of flowers - all totally unexpected.
The flowers are in pride of place on the table, and the children's work is safely in my memory box.

Lincolnshire Sky

Lincolnshire Sky