My allotment blog didn't get much attention last year as it was starting to feel a bit repetitive, and I had less time for blogging. Today, however, there is something worth reporting.... it's Purple Sprouting Broccoli time!
Purple Sprouting Broccoli, or PSB as it is known in our house, was one of my most successful crops in the first year of the allotment. But every year since then there has been a problem with it resulting in no crop. I told last year's seedlings that this was their last chance, and it seems to have done the trick!
The fridge is full of it. Leeks too as I also lifted the last of these. I had PSB spears with fried egg & chorizo for lunch, listening to birds singing. Would have had a glass of red too but I have to drive to the dentist later, more's the pity. More PSB for supper though so there's a chance to make up for that later.
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